After two semesters of hard work and endless stress, it was such a welcomed change to have all the time in the world with nothing to do. It got to a point where I had to schedule in fun activities just so I wouldn't waste the day away by being lazy and sleeping all the time. Determined not to allow that to happen, I made an Excel sheet (yeah, don't judge) with time in one column and activities in the other. Each hour of the day had to be filled in. Movies. Dinners. Hikes to East Rock (see picture below). Siestas. Hehe, it was glorious.
Cornell Graduation
It is a happy day.
But not. Stress, anxiety. Familiar? Yes.
This past weekend is the first time the ENTIRE family was together in.. months? Years? Seriously. I had forgotten how hectic it could be!
I now sympathize with the military generals who have to mobilize entire battalions... I couldn't even mobilize the few members of my family! One brother didn't bother to check the pants he brought with him. It ended up being khakis from years ago... way too small. The other brother forgot his clothes at another apartment. My mom was cooking even though the ceremony was set to begin in less than an hour. My grandmother, thinking that we were heading home right after the ceremony, was packing busily. Oh my, indeed...
While all of this is happening, the parents of my graduating brother's girlfriend were saving seven seats in a very coveted section in the stadium. They had been sitting there for more than two hours, fending off the masses who attempt to take them. My family showed up one minute before the ceremony started. Yeah... O_o
Now that I'm thinking about it again... this probably is the typical family, yes? Hehe...
Afterwards, we went to a Thai Restaurant called Thai Cuisine. If you are ever in Ithaca, NY, do NOT make the mistake of going there. Enough said. I have warned you.
With all that said, I want to congratulate Yi for successfully graduating and, for the last four years, resisting any impulses to inflict self-harm. Bravo!
Lake Erie
After my sister went back to med school and my family went back home, Yi (the grad) and I embarked on an expedition to find an apartment in Erie, PA. We looked at everything from townhouses to lofts. My favorite was this loft located downtown. Huge living room, big dining room with a bar... very trendy. Plus, it's on a corner of the building with massive windows overlooking the neighborhood. Super sweet. However, a group of girls put down a deposit for it a couple of hours later. Sadness.
Two cool experiences while at Erie: The sunset by the beach on the lake and the city's Rip Cookoff. We had planned on going to the peninsula to see the sunset, and it was absolutely breath-taking. I don't think I could ever get tired of seeing the sunset. This is a photograph my brother took of me taking photographs of the scenery.

I had not planned on going to the Rib-Off. In fact, it was purely by luck that I happened upon this wonderful event. Tired after having been woken up way too early by Yi, I was in dire need for coffee and programed my GPS device to lead me to the nearest Starbucks. About a couple of blocks before we were suppose to arrive, there was a roadblock. Rather than trying to drive around the roadblock and risk getting lost in the endless number of senseless one-way roads (think New Haven), I decided to park and just walk through the roadblock. Best decision of the week! Viola- stands after stands of people perfecting their ribs. Ribs galore. Let's just say, lunch was delicious.
Fame - Continued.
Kelly was very fast in letting me know where to find the guide used by Light Fellows regarding blogs. So, here is the portion with my blog: