I will try to be better about it. I will.
Anyway, my 2008 summer plans are set!
So far, this is what it looks like:
May 12............Last day of final exams
May 12-24........Staying at Yale to work for Davenport College
May 24-26........Going to Cornell for brother's graduation
May 26-Jun 4.....Home!
Jun 5-Aug 16.....Shanghai, China
Aug 16-Sep 1.....Home again!
Around Sep 1.....Back at Yale!
Finals Week Apr 27-May 12
Four final exams.
Three term papers.
Two weeks of stress.
One unhappy Gang.
It is not going to be fun. Bring me food.
Graduation Week May 12-24
I will be working as a master's aide during this time. I don't know what exactly I will have to do, but it probably entails planning/running events for seniors and their families.
If you are staying as well, give me a call and we'll keep each other company. I will probably be bored a lot. If you are in the vicinity, please pay me a visit! (NYC is only a $14, 1.5 hr train ride)
Cornell Graduation May 25-26
Congratulations to Yi! Majoring in electrical and computer engineering, he has (so far, knock on wood) survived eight very intense semesters at Cornell.
If I have financial troubles in the future, I am banking on him bailing me out. =)
Home - A Good Place to Live! May 26-Jun 4

I know I have been away for a while, but
I really am coming back!
Let me know if you are in town so we can meet up!

Jun 5-Aug 16
I am going to be working for the U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai, China. I am soo excited, even though I don't really know what exactly my responsibilities are yet. I can't even imagine what the atmosphere in China will be like. The Olympics are creating such a commotion and generating a lot of buzz, both positive and negative. Therefore, I am bracing myself for something big happening...
This summer is going to be fantastic! I finally get to see a sibling graduate from college (I was in an econ final when my sister Jing graduated), I finally get to stay at home for an extended time, and I get to travel abroad!
I will (promise!) be updating this blog regularly, especially during the summer. Adventures and thoughts will be posted. Please check in once in a while. =)
Wait!!!! You're leaving for China the day BEFORE I get out for the summer???!!! Why???!!! Don't you care to spend any time with me?!
another summer that i don't get to see you, gang chen. tsk. i don't know anything about this website yet, but you add me as a friend bc i can't figure it out, mmk?
So you're still at Yale? How is it? I'm in Korea right now and it's pretty amazing... apart from the fact that I'm eating uncontrollably and I don't think it can be good for me. =P
Keep in touch this summer, k? Let's skype sometime... I just discovered it and I think it's like the best thing ever, haha
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