Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Return of The Blog

Wow, I have not updated my blog in almost a year. Failure.

I will try to be better about it. I will.

Anyway, my 2008 summer plans are set!

So far, this is what it looks like:
May 12............Last day of final exams
May 12-24........Staying at Yale to work for Davenport College
May 24-26........Going to Cornell for brother's graduation
May 26-Jun 4.....Home!
Jun 5-Aug 16.....Shanghai, China
Aug 16-Sep 1.....Home again!
Around Sep 1.....Back at Yale!

Finals Week Apr 27-May 12
Four final exams.
Three term papers.
Two weeks of stress.
One unhappy Gang.

It is not going to be fun. Bring me food.

Graduation Week May 12-24
I will be working as a master's aide during this time. I don't know what exactly I will have to do, but it probably entails planning/running events for seniors and their families.

If you are staying as well, give me a call and we'll keep each other company. I will probably be bored a lot. If you are in the vicinity, please pay me a visit! (NYC is only a $14, 1.5 hr train ride)

Cornell Graduation May 25-26
Congratulations to Yi! Majoring in electrical and computer engineering, he has (so far, knock on wood) survived eight very intense semesters at Cornell.

If I have financial troubles in the future, I am banking on him bailing me out. =)

Home - A Good Place to Live! May 26-Jun 4

Home = Bristol, Virginia!
I know I have been away for a while, but
I really am coming back!

Let me know if you are in town so we can meet up!

Shanghai, China
Jun 5-Aug 16

I am going to be working for the U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai, China. I am soo excited, even though I don't really know what exactly my responsibilities are yet. I can't even imagine what the atmosphere in China will be like. The Olympics are creating such a commotion and generating a lot of buzz, both positive and negative. Therefore, I am bracing myself for something big happening...

This summer is going to be fantastic! I finally get to see a sibling graduate from college (I was in an econ final when my sister Jing graduated), I finally get to stay at home for an extended time, and I get to travel abroad!

I will (promise!) be updating this blog regularly, especially during the summer. Adventures and thoughts will be posted. Please check in once in a while. =)


Unknown said...

Wait!!!! You're leaving for China the day BEFORE I get out for the summer???!!! Why???!!! Don't you care to spend any time with me?!

Ruth said...


Holly said...

another summer that i don't get to see you, gang chen. tsk. i don't know anything about this website yet, but you add me as a friend bc i can't figure it out, mmk?

Anonymous said...

So you're still at Yale? How is it? I'm in Korea right now and it's pretty amazing... apart from the fact that I'm eating uncontrollably and I don't think it can be good for me. =P
Keep in touch this summer, k? Let's skype sometime... I just discovered it and I think it's like the best thing ever, haha