My destination, of course, is Yali Middle School in Changsha, Hunan. The emotions running through me are complex, to a point where I am unable to describe them myself. After two weeks of mentally tasking training in Hong Kong, I feel a real excitement to get there, meet my students, and begin this journey already. The excitement I feel now is more intense than what I felt at graduation and more on par with the energy running through me the first time I stepped on the Yale campus, as a freshman.
At the same time, I can't deny that a part of me is extremely nervous. How will the students receive me? What can I offer them? How do I survive in China for two years? The questions are endless.
I am very fortunate though, because I have the most supportive and caring staff at Yale-China Association, both in HK and back in New Haven. They are so knowledgeable and helpful, and will definitely be an avenue I frequently cross for both practical advice on teaching methods to more abstract issues, reflection, and finding what kind of teacher I want to be.
Also, the other teaching fellows, both first-years and second years, are some of the most passionate people I've come across, and I don't doubt I will be turning to them for ideas and support.

And lastly, I am fortunate to have such supportive family members. Which parents would let their child go away for four years, and then, without much complaint, for another two? Mom and dad: I promise I will come home, sooner or later! Siblings: Apologies for having to leave so many family stuff for you guys to take care of. I will pick up my share in the future, I promise. Miss all of you!
Y do all of your interests relate to food?
Nice dude get us posted
*keep us posted
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